Benign Stomach Cancer – Definition |
What is the benign stomach cancer?
Benign stomach cancer (also called benign gastric cancer) can develop in any part of the stomach and may spread throughout the stomach and to other organs. It may grow along the stomach wall into the esophagus or small intestine.
It also may extend through the stomach wall and spread to nearby lymph nodes and to organs such as the liver, pancreas, and colon. Benign stomach cancer also may spread to distant organs, such as the lungs, the lymph nodes above the collarbone, and the ovaries.
When benign cancer spreads to another part of the body, the new tumor has the same kind of abnormal cells and the same name as the primary tumor. For example, if benign stomach cancer spreads to the liver, the cancer cells in the liver are benign stomach cancer cells. The disease is benign metastatic stomach cancer (it is not liver cancer). However, when benign stomach cancer spreads to an ovary, the tumor in the ovary is called a benign Krukenberg tumor. (This tumor, named for a doctor, is not a different disease; it is benign metastatic stomach cancer. The benign cancer cells in a Krukenberg tumor are benign stomach cancer cells, the same as the cancer cells in the primary tumor.)
Cause of Benign Stomach Cancer |
What is the cause of the benign stomach cancer?
The benign stomach cancer rate in the United States and the number of deaths from this disease have gone down dramatically over the past 60 years. Still, benign stomach cancer is a serious disease, and scientists all over the world are trying to learn more about what causes this disease and how to prevent it. At this time, doctors cannot explain why one person gets benign stomach cancer and another does not. They do know, however, that benign stomach cancer is not contagious; no one can “catch” cancer from another person.
Researchers have learned that some people are more likely than others to develop benign stomach cancer. The disease is found most often in people over age 55. It affects men twice as often as women, and is more common in black people than in white people. Also, benign stomach cancer is more common in some parts of the world–such as Japan, Korea, parts of Eastern Europe, and Latin America–than in the United States. People in these areas eat many foods that are preserved by drying, smoking, salting, or pickling. Scientists believe that eating foods preserved in these ways may play a role in the development of benign stomach cancer. On the other hand, fresh foods (especially fresh fruits and vegetables and properly frozen or refrigerated fresh foods) may protect against this disease.
Benign stomach ulcers do not appear to increase a person’s risk (chance) of getting benign stomach cancer. However, some studies suggest that a type of bacteria, Helicobacter pylori, which may cause stomach inflammation and ulcers, may be an important risk factor for this disease. Also, research shows that people who have had stomach surgery or have pernicious anemia, achlorhydria, or gastric atrophy (which generally result in lower than normal amounts of digestive juices) have an increased risk of benign stomach cancer.
Exposure to certain dusts and fumes in the workplace has been linked to a higher than average risk of benign stomach cancer. Also, some scientists believe smoking may increase benign stomach cancer risk.
Signs and Symptoms of Benign Stomach Cancer |
What is the signs and symptoms of benign stomach cancer?
Benign stomach cancer can be hard to find early. Often there are no symptoms in the early stages and, in many cases, the benign cancer has spread before it is found. When symptoms do occur, they are often so vague that the person ignores them. Benign stomach cancer can cause the following:
- Indigestion or a burning sensation (heartburn);
- Discomfort or pain in the abdomen;
- Nausea and vomiting;
- Diarrhea or constipation;
- Bloating of the stomach after meals;
- Loss of appetite;
- Weakness and fatigue; and
- Bleeding (vomiting blood or having blood in the stool).
Any of these symptoms may be caused by benign cancer or by other, less serious health problems, such as a stomach virus or an ulcer. Only a doctor can tell the cause. People who have any of these symptoms should see their doctor. They may be referred to a gastroenterologist, a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating digestive problems. These doctors are sometimes called gastrointestinal (or GI) specialists.
Diagnosing the Benign Stomach Cancer |
What is the diagnose for benign stomach cancer?
To find the cause of symptoms, the doctor asks about the patient’s medical history, does a physical exam, and may order laboratory studies. The patient may also have one or all of the following exams:
Fecal occult blood test–a check for hidden (occult) blood in the stool. This test is done by placing a small amount of stool on a plastic slide or on special paper. It may be tested in the doctor’s office or sent to a laboratory. This test is done because benign stomach cancer sometimes causes bleeding that cannot be seen. However, noncancerous conditions also may cause bleeding, so having blood in the stool does not necessarily mean that a person has benign cancer.
Upper GI series–x-rays of the esophagus and stomach (the upper gastrointestinal, or GI, tract. The x-rays are taken after the patient drinks a barium solution, a thick, chalky liquid. (This test is sometimes called a barium swallow.) The barium outlines the stomach on the x-rays, helping the doctor find tumors or other abnormal areas. During the test, the doctor may pump air into the stomach to make small tumors easier to see.
Endoscopy –an exam of the esophagus and stomach using a thin, lighted tube called a gastroscope, which is passed through the mouth and esophagus to the stomach. The patient’s throat is sprayed with a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort and gagging. Patients also may receive medicine to relax them. Through the gastroscope, the doctor can look directly at the inside of the stomach. If an abnormal area is found, the doctor can remove some tissue through the gastroscope. Another doctor, a pathologist, examines the tissue under a microscope to check for benign cancer cells. This procedure–removing tissue and examining it under a microscope–is called a biopsy. A biopsy is the only sure way to know whether benign cancer cells are present.
Treatment for the Benign Stomach Cancer |
What is the treatment for benign stomach cancer?
It is hard to limit the effects of therapy so that only benign cancer cells are removed or destroyed. Because healthy cells and tissues also may be damaged, treatment can cause unpleasant side effects.
The side effects of cancer treatment are different for each person, and they may even be different from one treatment to the next. Doctors try to plan treatment in ways that keep side effects to a minimum; they can help with any problems that occur. For this reason, it is very important to let the doctor know about any problems during or after treatment. Here are some examples of orthodox treatments:
Is the most common treatment for benign stomach cancer. The operation is called gastrectomy. The surgeon removes part (subtotal or partial gastrectomy) or all (total gastrectomy) of the stomach, as well as some of the tissue around the stomach. After a subtotal gastrectomy, the doctor connects the remaining part of the stomach to the esophagus or the small intestine. After a total gastrectomy, the doctor connects the esophagus directly to the small intestine. Because cancer can spread through the lymphatic system, lymph nodes near the tumor are often removed during surgery so that the pathologist can check them for benign cancer cells. If benign cancer cells are in the lymph nodes, the disease may have spread to other parts of the body.
Is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. This type of treatment is called systemic therapy because the drugs enter the bloodstream and travel through the body.
Clinical trials are in progress to find the best ways to use chemotherapy to treat benign stomach cancer. Scientists are exploring the benefits of giving chemotherapy before surgery to shrink the tumor, or as adjuvant therapy after surgery to destroy remaining benign cancer cells. Combination treatment with chemotherapy and radiation therapy is also under study. Doctors are testing a treatment in which anticancer drugs are put directly into the abdomen (intraperitoneal chemotherapy). Chemotherapy also is being studied as a treatment for malignant cancer that has spread, and as a way to relieve symptoms of the disease.
Most anticancer drugs are given by injection; some are taken by mouth. The doctor may use one drug or a combination of drugs. Chemotherapy is given in cycles: a treatment period followed by a recovery period, then another treatment, and so on. Usually a person receives chemotherapy as an outpatient (at the hospital, at the doctor’s office, or at home). However, depending on which drugs are given and the patient’s general health, a short hospital stay may be needed.
Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy)
Is the use of high-energy rays to damage benign cancer cells and stop them from growing. Like surgery, it is local therapy; the radiation can affect benign cancer cells only in the treated area. Radiation therapy is sometimes given after surgery to destroy cancer cells that may remain in the area. Researchers are conducting clinical trials to find out whether it is helpful to give radiation therapy during surgery (intraoperative radiation therapy). Radiation therapy may also be used to relieve pain or blockage.
Malaysia Chinese Master ways of treatment for the Benign Stomach Cancer |
What about treatment with Chinese herbal medicine?
The traditional Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture techniques can only reduce the size of the cancer cells and prolong the life of a cancer patient. According to the research of Malaysia Chinese Master, the herbal medicines used are free from any harmful side effects to patients. Thus, if a patient in a manner that herbal medication and follow the advice of the Chinese Master, may the disease will be reduced.
Chinese Master uses a so-called Sabah Snake Grass cancer herbs or also known as “Yu Xun Cao”, it has been widely used in Malaysia and other Asia countries to treat dampness, heaty conditions, cancer, tumors, uric acid, gout, urinates renopathies (disease of the kidney) and uterine fibroid.
Sabah Snake Grass in traditional Chinese cancer herbs medicine for over thousands of years, is usually decoction into herbal drink together with other types of herbs to treats diseases mentioned and uremia for kidney patient primarily and to reduce of toxic urine.
Sabah Snake Grass is the most popular cancer herbs, many people brought it from some where and eat without any of the advice from herbalist. This might causes bad side effect occur after they drink the Sabah Snake Grass. So a proffesional advice from Chinese Master is very important. Chinese Master can help you to treat your cancer by using the Sabah Snake Grass and without any of the side effect. Your body system might be too weak or ‘cold’ so that causes the bad side effect occur. Chinese Master will combine with other herbs to balance your body system.
The recovery rates depends on the grade,stages and types of cancer, the location cancer, the size of cancer,how long that cancer are happen and also age and patients general health. So, it’s up to you to choose the appropriate treatment to treat the disease but preferably it should be remembered come meet with Chinese Master early so that the disease can be controlled before spreading to other organs. Chinese Master used to say, “Where there is desire, there is a way …”
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